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Cameron Forni's Blog

Making Your New Business Stand Out

Making Your New Business Stand Out

Starting a new business is hard work. There are so many decisions to make that it can be overwhelming. How can one make their new business stand out in a competitive market? One concern that all new businesses have is finding a way to stand out. This can be tricky -...

Establishing Your Business’ Online Presence

Establishing Your Business’ Online Presence

Small businesses, in particular, can find great benefit in establishing an online presence. This gives you a chance to connect with customers and clients from all over the world. Additionally, it provides an avenue for marketing your products and services.  Before you...

Entrepreneurs Changing the World

Entrepreneurs Changing the World

The world is an ever-changing place. Each day new inventions and ideas are created, while some become obsolete. People who dare to dream big and then go for it have always been the norm of society – where would we be without these people?  What if nobody had taken...

Finding Your Niche as a New Entrepreneur

Finding Your Niche as a New Entrepreneur

Many people out there have dreams of becoming an entrepreneur. Yet the idea can also be intimidating. It is essential to overcome any lingering fear and take the risk, especially if this is your dream in life. It can be challenging to find your niche when you start as...

Unhealthy Habits that Harm Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

Unhealthy Habits that Harm Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

Many people who want to start their own business try to do it with an entrepreneurial spirit. They want the freedom, creativity, and control that comes with being on their own. But some habits can get in the way of this type of success. This article will talk about...

How to Give Effective Feedback as an Entrepreneur

How to Give Effective Feedback as an Entrepreneur

In business, there will inevitably come a time when it's necessary to give colleagues feedback. People often have a negative association with receiving feedback because it can be used in a harmful way. Here are five steps to ensure that any feedback given will be...

Tips for Handling the Uncertainty of Entrepreneurship

Tips for Handling the Uncertainty of Entrepreneurship

People talk about everything that an entrepreneur needs to master to succeed. However, they never talk about how entrepreneurs must learn to thrive in uncertainty. The simple truth is that uncertainty and risk will become standard for an entrepreneur, which is part of...

5 Mindfulness Tips for Entrepreneurs

5 Mindfulness Tips for Entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur can be extremely rewarding - but it can also put an excessive level of stress on your mind and body. As such, entrepreneurs need to do what they can to mitigate these adverse effects. One option is for entrepreneurs to practice mindfulness....

Social Media Tips for Entrepreneurs

Social Media Tips for Entrepreneurs

An entrepreneur understands the tools at one’s disposal and how they can help get the job done. Social media is a powerful tool - one that a clever entrepreneur would know better than to waste.  Social media can be used in a variety of ways and even have different...

Becoming a Better Entrepreneur in 2021

Becoming a Better Entrepreneur in 2021

Entrepreneurs old and new understand the need to constantly improve themselves. There are always new skills to learn, habits to improve, and lessons to internalize. Looking to improve is a healthy mindset. Regardless of how 2020 went for entrepreneurs, there’s always...